Sunday, May 31, 2009

Sunday Breakfast

As soon as we woke up this morning, we knew we needed a good breakfast. My youngest daughter isn't feeling well today. I suspect that yesterday was too much activity on too little rest for her. We need to remember to live normally, but go easy. Ok, Mom has made a mental note to remember that.

Our garage sale went very well. I didn't even place a paid advert in the classifieds this time and still had pretty good traffic. It's better with the advert, but I can't complain about the results because they were good! Several neighbors stopped by to chat, then browsed and then re-homed our treasures. We quit by 11 am and went out for lunch while we waited for daddy to get off work.

Now that our backyard is cleared of unused items, we can commence the planning of our make-over. I have my eye on some real vintage wicker furniture with a simple shape that would look good viewed from inside the house as well as out in addition to being comfy and useful. That's a beautiful situation all the way around!


Glenda/MidSouth said...

Glad you did well and hope your daughter is feeling better today.

BBV said...

Thank you, Glenda. My daughter is feeling better, which is a huge relief. Cheers!