Friday, May 15, 2009

The desk project...

Is finally completed! After a couple false starts, I am happy to report that I finally have a desk I can use!

I had such a difficult time deciding what color I wanted to use for this project. I had thought I might do with a country-ish blue called "baby blue bird". Loved the color but it wasn't right for the desk at all. I finally gave up and went with a gloss black which turned out very well. I had a photo snapped of it yesterday before hubby came home and located the nickle knobs for me. I'm sure you can imagine the brushed nickle knobs pretty easily. It only took me 3 months to get this done, too! Ugh. Anyway, now all I have to do is get hubby to paint the file cabinet that goes with the desk and I'm all set. BTW, this desk stared out life with a cherry finish that had worn away on the desktop over the last 6 years.

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